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Can A Fragrance Really Improve Your Mood? - Witchy Secrets

Fragrances can change Mood

Ever deeply inhaled fresh fragrance and instantly felt energized? This is the beauty of fragrances! While we don’t often think about the positive aspects of fragrances, exposing yourself to different scents can instantly improve your mood. You might have seen people become more energetic and happier during spring; that’s because the smell of fresh flowers influences their mood positively. Over the years, there have been many studies to determine the impacts of fragrances on mood. Results show that scents can trigger more vivid emotions than visuals. Aromas bring back memories, and depending on the memories, your mood may alter. If you associate a fragrance with a positive memory, then the same fragrance improves your mood!

Link Between Scents and Mood

A study by IFF shows that certain smells can affect your mood. Scents have a powerful ability to reduce stress and tension. Anxiety and depression can ruin a person’s mood regardless of their age. So, if a person is having a bad day and is exposed to a pleasant smell, he will eventually start feeling better because his stress starts relieving.

It seems illogical and magical, but according to science, the fragrance doesn’t work on us. We work on fragrance through our experiences with them. This is called associative learning—we human associate a particular smell with a specific experience. The effects of fragrances on mood may vary from person to person based on their experiences. A fragrance that makes a person happy may do exactly the opposite to someone else! However, some fragrances are scientifically proved to have energizing, soothing and stress-relieving effects on people of all ages.

How Does A Fragrance Affect Mood?

Many scents and fragrances can alter and enhance your mood depending on their aromatherapy quality and effects. Knowing the fragrances have the power to change your mood, brands are now focusing more on creating fragrances that offer positive mood change benefits!

Some of the mood changing benefits that fragrances offer:

  • Increased alertness
  • Relaxation
  • Uplifting mood
  • Stress relieving
  • Enhancing motivation
  • Improved concentration

How to Use Fragrances to Improve and Alter Your Mood?

Lemon; When You Are Feeling Angry

When you are feeling angry, you need a fragrance that may help you concentrate on positive aspects. The smell of lemon has calming and clarifying properties that help your mind focus. It also helps in boosting the body’s immune system and blood circulation.

Lavender; When You Are Nervous

Nervous tension can lead to significant problems such as headache and migraine. When you are under stress and want to control emotional stress, lavender may help you. Lavender scent has soothing properties that relieve nervous tensions and depression.

Click Here for Lavender scented products

Jasmine; When You Are Suffering from Pessimism

No doubt, a hectic life routine may make people discontented with what they have. Jasmine essential oil may calm your nerves and promote feelings of confidence, optimism and revitalized energy, making you feel happy. Jasmine fragrance encourages the sense of being content while making you calm.

Click Here for Jasmine scented products

Rosemary; When You Are Mentally Exhausted

We all need a quick pick-me-up when we are exhausted and mentally fatigued. Rosemary fragrance may help improve memory retention and has physical properties that fight headache and depressive thoughts.

Click Here for Rosemary scented products

Final Words

As we have seen, fragrances and aromatherapy play a massive role in determining how you feel. They are capable of altering and enhancing your mood while helping you associate with the memories. If you are trying to get more control over your mood swing, you should give aromatherapy a try with our essential oils

Click here for essential oils

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