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How important are your crystals? - Witchy Secrets

How important are your crystals?

Crystals, gems, and minerals contain powerful energy. They share the same life power as plants and animals. Eliza Mabelle, in the book Crystals for Witches: Rituals, Spells, and Practices for Stone Spirit Magic, calls this energy Spirit. In our blog post, you'll learn all the essentials of crystals' role in witchcraft.

Crystals have stunned us for ages. Some people today view crystals as just material things. Meanwhile, others think crystals have magical powers which ordinary people cannot decipher. Witches recognize the beauty of crystals while believing they possess spirit energy. They are of the opinion that crystals affect the world around us by attracting forces such as love, richness, and protection.

Various crystals are thought to have different magical properties. From attracting friendship to inspiring courage and removing negativity.

Witches use crystals in spells, rituals, and meditations based on the qualities mentioned above. Gemstones are also essential in many witchcraft practices.

 Gifts from Mother Nature Witchcraft takes its origin in a bond with nature. Many witches acknowledge the spirit that lives within all natural things, from wind to fire. Even though all rocks are deemed influential in their way, crystals are special. Crystals are formed when a precise combination of natural phenomena occurs within the earth. Examples are heat, pressure, and water movement.

Their attractiveness, rarity, and the unique conditions needed to create them make crystals cherished gifts from Mother Nature.

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